Freitag, Juli 30, 2010

back home

Ja ihr Lieben, jetzt bin ich seit dem 7.7. auch schon wieder auf deutschem Boden. Damit wären meine Berichte aus diesem wunderschönen Jahr abgeschlossen. Die letzte Woche in Virginia war auch noch mal wunderschön. Ich habe an einem Vielseitigkeitsturnier teilgenommen und den amerikanischen Nationalfeiertag mitgefeiert. Das war echt ein grandioser Abschluss. Da ich jetzt aber auch schon wieder in der Heimat bin kann ich euch davon ja auch so demnächst mal erzählen. Auch hier in Deutschland wurde ich richtig lieb mit vielen tollen Überraschungen willkommen geheißen. Viele Leute hab ich schon gesehen und viele andere werde ich hoffentlich bald sehen :)

Bis dann

P.S. Ja ich kann wieder Deutsch schreiben und sprechen. Nur manchmal hört es sich etwas komisch an und evtl kommt dann mal ein englisches Wort dazu :D Aber ihr versteht mich trotzdem.

Montag, Juni 21, 2010


The summer is here and my stay in the US is coming to an end. The last 4 days of school we just had final exams and the 16th was our last days. It's summer!! Well, the weather was perfect even before that. Here in Virginia the summer is extremely hot and humid (compared to Germany). But other than for riding I don't have any problems with that and won't complain at all because we have this awesome pool!! :) Because of that Sarah and I have frinds over all the time now. Hanging out around the pool and jumping in the water when it gets too hot. By now even the water temperature is perfect for me. It isn't freezing cold any more, just perfect. Well the people who know me probably think the water is extremely warm when I say it's not too cold. :D

me, Ally, Becca, Kelly

me, Becca, Kelly

Jade (France), Amaia (Spain), me (Germany)

I'm sorry i haven't written anything new in a while but I totally forgot the time. This year went by so fast. I can remember the big snowstorm as if it was two weeks ago. Now that we don't have school and the weather is so awesome I completely forget time. Hanging out at the pool with friends, doing my last big shopping trip with Ally, and I'm going to a good bye pool party today. All the other exchange students are leaving even sooner than I am.

But even if it doesn't sound like it I'm also looking forward to see you guys again! 11 months is a long time and I can't believe I haven't seen y'all in such a long time. My good bye party in Germany doesn't seem that long ago, does it?? Besides I have to come back to support Germany. Why do all the usually good European countries suck right now at whe fifa world cup?? That was the first thing we talked about last Friday when Amaia and Jade came over. It was extremely funny since we had poeple from the best soccer teams in Europe (Germany, Spain and France). My idea was that we have to go back to our home country to support them from there so that they gonna do better (even though Amaia from Spain supports Germany) cause right now we are in the US and they are doing extremely well.

Going home also means getting started with my drivers license. Well right now after 11 months US I really wanna drive, since it was normal for teenagers to drive here but on the other hand I'm not ready cause of the many car accidents they have. Earlier in the year there was a big car crash where the car got torn apart into two pieced and the two students were supposed to die. Then on this Saturday morning a guy in my grade died because of a car accident. It seems so unreal cause I knew that kid. We weren't friends but he was in my grade, had a class together and have even talked before. Maybe it's good that the driving age in Germany is older.

Montag, Juni 07, 2010

Today is June 7th!

Do you know what that means??? Well if you've followed my blog or talked to my family we know that imma be home in exactly one month. I know the time seriously flew by so freaking fast.

This Sunday we had kinda like a good bye pax poolparty with all the exchangestudents. Actually not even all of them cause one girl is already back home since the middle of May I think. Anyways, this really made all of us think how soon we'll be home - and I'm actually the one who stays here the longest. None of the other exchange students stay fot 4th of July. But we didn't let the thought of leaving our new American familie and friends too close and just had fun that day.

The week before we had our own pool party for Memorial Day here at our house. Nobody had to go to school because of the holiday and in the after noon many of Patrice's friends came over with their families. The only people I knew were Nelsons and Mike, Lisa and Britany. (Sarah's and my trainers and their working student for this summer)The funniest thing that day was that I realized how tanned I am. :D I was sitting between Sarah and Britany at the pool and they're both so pale, or at least their legs. But I think it wasn't just them I think my legs have never been that tanned before. They're almost as tanned as my arms. Until that day Sarah always used riding and wearing briches as her excuse/explanation for not being tanned but then the realized that I ride as much as she does. I don't really know how my legs got tanned but I think it's from running because I have a shorts tanline - unfortunatelly. But other than running it's true that I've been outside a lot lately. The weather is just so great. I love the sun!! But here it gets really humid so that it feels even hotter than it already is. Imma be wearing sweatchirts all the time back in Germany when I hear about your 12 degree Celcius over there. I'm definitely panning on taking the sun with me.

The Memorial Day weekend was pretty busy for me. The day before the pool party Sarah and I went to a combined training test (jumping and dressage)which went pretty well for us over all. Sarah came in first in her level and I ... well I dont' need to explain everything but the important thing is that Rosalie and I improved a lot from last time. Our dressage was ok but compared to everyone else we woulda won over all if I wouldn't have made a stupid mistake.
At night we went out for dinner and bowling with Mike, Lisa, and Britany. We went to a similar restaurant we took my dad so the cooked our food in front of us. I know I live in luxory here :) But I suck at bowling. Both times Sarah and I came in last and second to last. Mama sait it musta been the name. ;)

Friday night I went to the movies with Christine and we watched 'Sex and the City 2'. Has anyone seen that yet??

Sonntag, Mai 30, 2010

prom pictures

Christine & I

Becca, Blake, Steven, Ally, I, Elli, Stephen, Christine, Megan, Adam, Nastia

Becca, Ally, I, Elli, Christine, Megan, Nastia

and if you have facebook you can look at more pictures there

Mittwoch, Mai 26, 2010


I'm sorry I haven't written anything in a while but I was really busy. But at least I have a lot to talk about :)

Wednesday, May 19th, was my last track meet. Even though I didn't qualify for this district meet my coach still put me in. These qualifying times are so fast, I'm not even dreaming of ever running that fast. :) He put me in the 1 mile, probably because I surprised him in this event the week before. I ran a 6:35 min, which improved my time again by 5 sec AND I didn't come in last!! That totally made my day! :D But since this was during the week the meet lasted forever and we didn't get back before midnight.
The next day I didn't have more time to rest. After school we drove to a riding lesson and when we finally got back from that I had to write some stupid history essay. (Yes, I acutally had to write an essay for school. I'm telling you imma fail next year!)
Friday night I went to the movies with Ally + Lauren. But we didn't go to the normal theatre but to the drive in. The movie was on a humongous wall and everyone's watching form their car or truck. We girls were laying on top of the car with a bunch of blankets and pillows. We really need a drive in theatre in Germany. Or do we even have something like that and I just don't know about it. Anyways, it's really funny!

The next day was Saturday, Promnight. In the morning Ally and I went to get our nails done and met like 11 other girls from our school at the nail place. That was extremely funny and everyone was so excited. Later Becca came over to my house cause she asked me to do her hair. After that I got myself ready.
This dance, which is just for Juniors or Seniors with their dates, is really a big deal here in America. Some girls buy their dresses months in advance, and many get their nails + hair professionally done. Guys are supposed to match their date and buy or rent a tux. Dates buy each other folwers and take a ton of pictures together. So as a normal American student I wouldn't go without a serious date or a friend you know you'll have fun at these kind of dances. Prome is for dates. You could not only tell because of the discount on couple tickets, but also because of the music. Well I still had fun with Chistine as my 'date' ;) and the other people we went with. Our group had dinner together at Becca's before. That's were we also took a ton of pictures even though it was raining. We made the best out of it. This rain also made the plans after prom a little more difficult so a couple of us just went to Ally's.

The next day I couldn't really relax because of some exchange-student-meeting where I went straight from Ally's. At the meeting we were talking about going home, the problems we could have with that, and our experiences in the US. I loved talking about my American experience cause all of us were kinda in the same situation. All of us are from different countries and got to know the American way of life. But everyones impressions differed a little since we live with different families and were comparing everything to our homecountry. Germany isn't the same than France, Spain, Norway, Russia, Kazakhstan, or Malaysia. And none of the countries are like America.

Yeah, that's what's been happening here. I'm really excited gettin back home and see y'all but at the same time it's weird leaving all this without knowing when I'm gonna see it again.

You'll get prompictures in the next couple of days. I promise!

Donnerstag, Mai 13, 2010

Besuch aus Deutschland

Jetzt hab ich meinen Papa gerade zum Flughafen gebracht und muss euch erst einmal von seinem Besuch hier berichten. Jaha jetzt kann ich wieder Deutsch sprechen :D Das war allerdings echt schwerer als ich gedacht hatte, in den ersten beiden Tagen hab ich wirklich am Angang noch Englisch mit ihm gesprochen. Aber mein Papa hat das ja alles gut verstanden und dann halt auf Deutsch geantfortet. Das war echt verrueckt. Also wenn ich mir das jetzt nicht glaubt koennt ihr ihn gerne fragen. Ab morgen frueh ist er wieder in Deutschland.

Mal ueberlegen... was haben wir denn so schoenes gemacht? Wir haben ihn letzten Mittwoch nach meinem Track meet vom Flughafen abgeholt. Er hat mir deutsche Schokolade und Mama's und Oma's Marmelade mitgebracht. :) Scott hat Luettje Lage aus Hannover bekommen. Donnerstag hab ich Papa dann Berryville und Winchester gezeigt und wir haben Harpers Ferry besichtigt. (Ja ich habe bis auf diesen Mittwoch die Schule geschwaenzt. Papas Besuch war wichtiger!) Freitag haben wir dann eine Sightseeing Tour durch DC gemacht. On the way back we got dinner and cheesecake at the cheesecake factory.

Am Samstag hatte Scott dann Zeit etwas mit uns zu unternehmen und wir sind zum Skyline Drive gefahren (Berge und Natur anschauen).

Sonntag morgen sind Papa und ich dann los fuer 2 Tage zum Virginia Beach. Das Wetter war duch den Wind nicht das waermste, aber es war trotzdem schoen. Da noch keine Saison ist war es dort ziemlich ruhig und die ganzen Hotelkloetze waren wohl alle leer.

Dienstag waren wir dann erst einmal shoppen, nachdem Papa von Svea sogar eine Liste mitbekommen hatte, was sie denn gerne aus der USA mitgebracht bekommen wuerde. Gegen shoppen hab ich natuerlich nichts und auch Papa hat sich nicht beklagt und sogar eine Jeans fuer sich gekauft. Das Wetter war aber leider nicht mehr so gut und unser Reitunterrucht ist dadurch leider ausgefallen. Mittwoch war ich dann mal wieder in der Schule, damit ich nachmittags beim Track meet mitlaufen konnte. Jetzt hat Papa auch eine Idee vom Amerikanischen Schulsport bekommen. Danach waren wir dann mit Nelsons essen. Im Japanese Steak House haben die unser Essen direkt am Tisch fuer uns gekocht. Das war extrem lustig wie der Koch seine Sachen jongliert hat und uns essen zugeworfen hat, was wir dann mit dem Mund auffangen sollten (hat sogar manchmal geklappt :D). Heute war dann der letzte Tag und wir haben uns so ne riesige Salzstein Hoehle (weiss nicht genauch wie man das nennt - mit den stalactiten etc) angeschaut.

Ja und dann war der Besuch auch schon wieder vorbei. Papa hat jetzt einen Eindruck von den extrem offenen und freundlichen Amerikanern und der weiten offenen Flaeche hier bekommen.

Montag, Mai 03, 2010

Apple Blossom

This weekend was Apple Blossom. We got off on Friday and there was a festival in Winchster (city 15min from Berryville) all weekend long. Apparently this festival is a big deal all along the east coast. Well I didn't really get THAT feeling but went there with frinds two days.
Friday we were helping out at the one mile (1600m) for the little kids. Can you believe that the youngest kids are 5-6 years old? I think running that age is sick. But I have to admit some of them were fast!
Saturday we went to see the big parede. At night we went out to dinner for Blake's birthday. The food was really good and the waitresses sang 'happy birthday' for him. After that we went to the carnival, which is basicly like a 'Jahrmarkt'.

But there was no 'Tanz in den Mai' on Friday. :(

Now I'm soo excited for my dad to come on Wednesday!! :)

Dienstag, April 27, 2010

Earth Day

Vorab erst einmal eine Frage. Feiern wir 'Earth Day' in Germany??

Earth day was last Tuesday and because of that a few of the exchange students went to volunteer on the Earth Day Festival in Lauden County, the richest county in the US (Did you expect some county here in Virginia to be the richest in the whole US?)

It was fun but in the end of the day I was sooo tired. Not only because of that day, I couldn't sleep in at all last weekend. On Sunday I got picked at 7am for the volunteer project and on Saturday we had a track meet and left the school at 7am and got back at 6pm. So I spent the whole day at the meet and my race was at 9 in the morning. So after that I had nothing else to do. I think running cross county is more my thing. Maybe because there are more ppl in one race and so as long as you are not under the last couple of ppl I consider everyone as good :)So at track it's kinda easyer to look slow... I don't feel slow when I'm running but most of the ppl are still faster. I don't know how they do that. My legs just don't move that fast :D But I'm working to get better so I'm better when my dad's comming to watch me in two weeks :)

Mittwoch, April 21, 2010

another week of april

Only 14 days left till my dad's coming to visit. It's gonna be exciting what he thinks about my life here. I still remember my first thoughts about America :D but by now I'm used to most of it...

The last two days I had science field trips. A couple of the science classes went to Monocacy and Manassas Battlefield Park. Since the American Civil Was was fought in this region we also got to see some history. Tuesday we took a lot of water samples to measure ph, persent of oxigen, etc and today we were looking at living organisms in the river. With this group of poeple we had a lot of fun and it was definitely better than going to school. ;)

I'm also getting closer to my goal to do one cross country event with Rosalie here before I leave. I've been starting jumping with her and we're getting better and better and last Saturday we went to a combined test. Dressage and Jumping. Unfortunatelly the dressage was extremly boring since I just had to walk and trot (yes I'm being serious) but I needed the low level for jumping because we are still beginners. Yeah... the jumping part was more rushing over the jumps and not at all the way we've been practicing but I still think we did a good job.

That night I went over to Ally's for her surprise birthday party. She really had no clue about it at all. She went out to dinner before while we got to her house. It was so funny seeing her opening the door of the basement (all decorated with balloons), finding a few friends plus her parents, who got home earlier, jumping up from behind the bar.

I really want a surprise party!!!

Sonntag, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Well, it went by pretty fast. Just one week of spring break really isn't enough at all. But the weather was perfect. So I was reading outside in about 30 degree weather getting tanned. I read the sadest book ever, 'The Last Song, and seriously almost cryed. Yesterday I went with Ally and Lauren to see the movie. But it was so different form the book that I wasn't that impressed. Other than reading I rode with Christine and Richelle down to the river, I had a riding lesson with Rosalie, Jade came over, Christine had a camping party, and I went shopping. Now I just don't wanna go back to school tomorrow...

Dienstag, April 06, 2010

Happy late Easter!

Thanks to everyone i could skype with on sunday. That was my highlight of the day!! I loved it and can't wait to see you all again.


danke an alle, die am Sonntag auf Svea's Geburtstag waren und mit mir skypen konnten. Ich fand das total toll und freu mich schon euch alle wiederzusehen. :)

Meine amerikanischen Ostern bestanden aus Kirche, Osterkorb, Ostereier faerben, essen und die Sonne geniessen. Patrices Schweser und Sarah's Cousin waren hier und somit war es bei uns auch ein Familientag. Svea darf jetzt erst einmal neidisch sein und noch mehr mit Angelika schimpfen. Ich haben keine Suessigkeiten oder Ostereier im Garten gesucht! :D Wir haben nur hartgekoche Eier eingefaerbt.

Sonntag, März 28, 2010

New York die Zweite

Jetzt war ich innerhalb von 8 Monaten schon das zweite Mal in NY! Dieses mal mit meiner Marketin Klasse. Das hies volles Programm, ca 70 Schueler und auch dieses Mal hab ich gaaanz viel fotografiert.

Mittwoch ging es um 5:30 AM los und nach ca 6 Stunden Busfahrt sind wir dann in NY angekommen. The Highlight of the day was the Blueman Group. This show was so awesome! But I'm sorry I can't really describe what it is.... some comedy + music + show elements. The audience gets involved also. The first 4 rows were wearing ponchos because the 3 blue men were spitting stuff and they poured some fluid color on the drumms. It just looked gread. They also called ppl on stage. So this show was definitely worth all the walking we did before. We got a tour at 'Madison Square Garden' (a icehockey/basketball arena - I didn't konw what it was before and still don't know why it's called garden). Well, the tour might have been more interesting if I'd be more into basketball or ice hockey. We also walked to see ground zero (where the world trade center used to be) and the NY Stock Exchange and Wall Street (both not really interesting for me).

Thursday continued with a lot of walking. The day started with the 'Today Show'. I don't know what we were supposed to see there cause the show is inside but there we saw what kind of weird dressed ppl walk through NY. Next we went to the 'NY high line'. This place wasn't really high but it was some kind of garden at an old railroad track. The tour we did in the 'radio city music hall' was better than 'madison square garden'. Now I really wanna see their Christmal show one time. The day ended with a Broadway Show! We watched the musical 'Mamma Mia'. It was great! I just wanted to get up and dance and sing with them :D In these two days I've definitely seen the best 2 shows in my entire life. I can't remember any rally good play I've seen in Germany. (The best thing about 'A clockwork orange' was the exelent grade I got from writing a critic about the play afterwards. ;) )

On Friday we got to see the 'Statue of Liberty', Central Park, 5th Avenue, and Madame Russauds. Some of the wax figures seemed so real and others looked completely wrong. So we got many pictures with some celebreties :D In the end of the day I just got a littel annoyed, that we never got the chance to get some souveniers even though there were ppl selling stuck EVERYWHERE!! The only time we had time for shopping was at macy's and on 5th avenue. 5ht Avenue is next to the Central Park with stores like Louis Vitton, Gucci, Prada, Tiffany's etc. Well, I didn't feel like spending my money there. So in the end our chaperone could convince our teachers to get to one souvenier store real quick.

Yeah that's everything about my second stay in NY. I think the city is kind of weird. All these huge buildings - but what is in there? It can't just be all office space but I just can't imagine ppl living in there. And if so, there are no grocery stores anywhere and we just saw one school. And the school we just noticed because of the busses in front of the building. Then there are always ppl walking around everywhere. NY is always busy. It kinda looks as if they werre going to work all dressed up. But there are so many of them all day around.

Zum Schluss noch einige der vielen Fotos...