Montag, Februar 22, 2010

Looking forward to Spring!!

Mitlerweile hat der Schnee Gott sei Dank angefangen zu schmelzen. Ja er geht mir jetzt nur noch bis zu den Knien und nicht mehr bis zur Huefte und an manchen Stellen kann man sogar den Boden sehen. Nach dieser langen Zeit, in der man nichts anderes machen konnte als im Haus sitzen, bin ich echt froh dass die Schule wieder losgegangen ist. Letzte Woche erst einmal mit einem 2 hour delay, aber diese Woche koennte echt die erste Woche in diesem Jahr werden ohne delay or snow day.

Am 13. kam ich das erste mal so richtig aus dem Haus raus. Ally and I went shopping. Do you know how exciting it can be to cross counties. :D And we were successfull. I got my stupid business outfit. It's actually not that bad, but I just hate black suits, which my marketing teacher loves soo much. The good thing was that I safed $50 cause Ally looked up some cupons on the internet with her iphone. Then we went to Macy's where we let one of the sellspersons do our make up. So we got a probably kinda expensive (estee lauder) make over for free. At night we were invited to a valentines party. Yeah I got an opportunity to wear my homecoming dress again :D Well the party was the worst party I ever went to but thanks to our spontaneous plans the night was awesome. We left the party and went to eat and later walked through Berryville to Adam's. It was soo cold. Us girls in our short dresses. We just changed our shoes. I tell you short black dresses with rainboots or tennisshoes is the new trend for 2010! :D Later Ally's mom got us and us four girls slept over at Ally's. When we got there we made chocolate cake (american baking mix with a lot of iceing!), which we attacked with forks while watching a movie. Even if we couldn't even eat the whole cake, we all felt kinda sick the next day.

Last Sunday we went to a dressage show. I was so happy to ride again. I haven't ridden in like a month because of the stupid snow. (I'm so done with it!. And they're calling for more snow in March.) So we decided not to do the test but just use their indoor arena to ride. The next day I actually was sore cause of that :D

The whole week over I managed to make dinner almost every night for Sarah and Scott. I'm proud of me :P And I have to say it kinda reminded me on home cause it does taste different wheather you cook things on the stove or just put them in the oven or microwave. I did the cooking part because Patrice was in Haiti. As a nurse she went there to help the people. Today she got back with a lot of storries to tell and a lot of pictures to show. It's pretty amazing how they live there... That's probably another thing you have to see to believe.

Mittwoch, Februar 10, 2010

the never ending snow

Ja ich muss mich korigieren. Die Schule ist nicht Freitag, Montag und Dienstag ausgefallen, sondern Freitag und diese ganze Woche!! Naechsten Montag ist soweit ich weiss auch keine Schule auf Grund von irgeneinem Feiertag. Gestern hat es naemlich wirklich noch angefangen zu schneien, wenn auch nicht so doll wie vorhergesagt. Dafuer ist es heute extrem stuermisch, sodass sich das ganze Schneeschieben nicht wirklich lange gelohnt hat...

Falls ihr eine Idee habt, was wir hier machen koennten (ausser Putzen und Sachen fuer die Schule vorbereiten)bitte melden!! Wir haben schon so ziemlich jede dvd geschaut and are bored to death!!

Dienstag, Februar 09, 2010

officially snowed in

Den ersten Schnee gabs letzten Wednesday, wo dann auch gleich die Schule ausgefallen ist. :D Sarah und ich haben den Tag ueber dann Dvds geschaut und einen underschoenen, kugelrunden, weissen Schneemann gebaut, der leider nur ca 3 Stunden gehalten hat und dann aus unerklaerlichem Grund zusammengebrochen ist. Abends waren wir dann beim Basketballspiel in der Schule. Meine Herausvorderung war ein perfektes Foto zu schiessen. Ich kann immer noch nicht nachvollziehen wie die Jungs so hoch springen koennen...

Thursday waren wir dann ganz normal in der Schule und Friday ging der richtige Schneesturm dann los. Schule ist natuerlich ausgefallen und Ally ist zu mir gekommen. Wir waren der Meinung zusammen eingeschneit zu werden is gonna be more fun! We watched a bunch of movies, while it kept snowing and snowing and snowing and snowing .. Even though it still seemed kinda unreal to me when Patrice told us that the state Virginia called out the "state of emergency". Then Patrice got a phone call that she should be prepared to get picked up by the national gurads. As a nurse she was supposed to help other people. She said that has never happend to her before. We were so excited. It didn't seem real to us. It was just a bunch of snow. These newed kinda scared us but and the other hand we wanted them to come cause it was so exciting. Well, in the end they didn't. Instead it kept snowing.

The next morning we realized that it was a good idea for Ally to stay with us this weekend. She got a message that her parents didn't have any power in the house. Everyone and everything was totally snowed in. In the morning we went outside and the snow came up to our knees. It was really challanging to walk in there. Well, the question was how to take care of the horses :D

Scott spend the whole day plowing the driveway (and got stuck with his truck). When we came back out later in the evening there was even more snow. It came up to our hips!! But at least it had stopped snowing and the driveway was free. I've never seen so much snow before! I took a ton of pictures and even videos but you won't be able to get the whole situation. For this you have to be here. I've heard that they had this blizzard on the news in Germany. Apparently they were talking about the blizzard in the area around Washington DC. Okay for Germany this information is probably enough but I can tell you. Patrice said that Berryville (Yes the small town I live in!! Not the area!) got the most snow in the country! Apparently we got 10 more inches of snow than every other place.

On Sunday Scott was done plowing the driveway, but kept plowing. Ally got picked up by here parents, but as soon as she got home she texted my that she regrets it since they haven't had power in her house the whole weekend.

That was my weekend. Watching dvds and the falling snow. By the way, school got canceled on Monday and Tuesday and they're calling for more snow...